An Opportunity and a Restructuring
Look how cute that is. This is my new business card. I’m going to tweak it a little more before ordering (I’m not sure it needs to actually say “writer” as I will likely be handing it out at places where people already know that…it just looks weird to me), but I’m mostly happy with it.
I’m moving my regular posting days to the weekend (Saturdays mostly, or Sundays when I need a day off from the internet on Saturday), but I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity to take this course if you’re interested, and registration ends tonight!
I took a webinar from Gabriela Pereira a few weeks ago, and I have since fallen down the DIY MFA rabbit hole. She even has me listening to a podcast.
If you skimmed through the “About” page and are intrigued and want an intense guide through structuring your own DIY MFA, a session of her flagship course DIY MFA 101 is starting soon, and the last day to sign up is today.
Speaking of structure, I am not quite to the “take the course” part of my DIY MFA intrigue, but I have started to reorganize my weekly goals to ensure that I’m including its three main components (writing, reading, community) plus continuing education in each week’s agenda. I’ve also been reading Thrall and Moran’s The 12 Week Year for Writers, and it resonates a lot with my learning style.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if what I share here shifts a bit in the upcoming weeks to reflect some of the things I’m learning and how I’m applying that to my writing life. I may start sharing some writing exercises or samples, and when I find any tools that are particularly useful to me, I’ll be sure to share them as well.
I hope you are having a great day and a good writing week!